Customer Testimonials

There’s nothing like being able to drop into your local, and get the satisfaction you’re looking for.

That’s what we've always found in their local – P & S Autos. Peter, Sam & the team have maintained our fleet vehicles over the past 3 years in a very professional & diligent manner – and have been more than helpful in those call-out situations that arise, when time is of the essence and a cool-head and efficiency are required.

P & S certainly know their stuff, and run a friendly and clean workshop. We look forward to our continued association with them.



This is just a quick note to say how delighted I am with the service that I receive from P & S Autocentre.

I have had both the business car & my personal vehicle serviced by your company for over 8 years now and throughout that time I have been impressed by your efficiency, knowledge & flexibility. Your unfailing courtesy and helpfulness caused me to recommend you to several of my friends and they have, in turn, commented to me about the excellence of your service.

Well done & congratulations on lifting the bar in the automotive industry.

Kind regards

Barry Ekins